10th Annual Charity Gala Recognize...

The JV McRae Foundation!

We are a 501 (C)(3) organization that actively serves underestimated communities by providing resources to support education, health, financial, and family stability initiatives.

 “Help us appreciate the teachers who equip the youth of today with the necessary tools to build a better tomorrow.

The Foundation has a three-pronged approach to touch students and educators. The first prong is "TAP", which stands for Teacher Appreciation Program. The second and third prongs are scholarships and student incentives. This approach touches all aspects of educating students. It appreciates educators to help lift morale, it encourages students to stay in school and motivates them to do their best, and finally the Foundation helps students to gain a higher education by awarding scholarships.

Velena feels it is very important to invest in programs to engage, enlighten, andpromote education, which will elevate youth and the community as a whole. The JV McRae Foundation values everyone. We believe that all persons should be afforded equity, regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, health and ability. Everyone is valuable and has something to offer in their own unique way and should be extended the opportunity to fully participate and prosper in all facets of life.

The Bowtie Boys!

The “Bowtie Boys” is a 501(C)(3) organization founded in 2007, by Bryant Pearson. At that time, very few men wore bowties, and he thought the young men needed a distinctive proprietary look, therefore wearing bowties with black suits became that distinction.

 “Mr. Pearson saw what was happening to young black males in communities around the country and felt a call from the Almighty to do something about it."

The Bowtie Boys have worked with underprivileged males in which 90% are being raised by single mothers who are doing everything to keep them fed and a roof over their heads."

One thing that was critical to the development of these young men was a clear understanding of black history. In doing so, throughout the years, Mr. Pearson has exposed these young men to numerous important historical sites around the country. With the help of other like-minded male mentors, Mr. Pearson continues to teach the “Bowtie Boys” that they are “created and destined for greatness”.