
What people are saying

"I am deeply touched that Bands of Hope selected JV McRae Foundation as a recipient of their community award. It is because of this award we were able to show appreciation to over 500 teachers in underserved communities. We appreciate the members of the Board who volunteered their time to assist in the Teacher Appreciations at several schools.
This is truly an organization that serves the community with heart and soul."

Velena L. McRae, Founder, JV McRae Foundation, Inc.

"The Bands of Hope is a wonderful organization doing an awesome job in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex area. They have assisted several families and children with financal diffultites during their most vulnerabel time."

Cassie Cox, Dallas

"Promise House is elated to be chosen the beneficiary of the Bands of Hope Holiday Gala!" declared Judy Wright, Vice President of External Affairs. "Your contributions will give young moms and their children in our Wesley Inn Program a chance to become healthy, self-sufficient mothers. Because of your support moms will have the skills to provide a stable loving environment for their children."

Judy Wright, Promise House

"We have had the pleasure of attending the Bands of Hope Charity Christmas Gala for the past two years. It is a wonderful opportunity to contribute to such worthy cause. We have enjoyed the food, refreshments and live entertainment. The gala will always be an annual event on our social calendar."

Stephanie Sellers, Dallas

"We at 2000 Roses Foundation, Inc. count it an honor and a pleasure to be working along side the Bands of Hope organization. We are always encouraged to see people reach out to extend hope to those who are in need. The Band of Hope organization is a testimony to the spirit of generosity. You give of yourselves, and that is the greatest gift you can give. Continue to move with purpose and passion. We look forward to working with you in the future."

Alonzo Harris, 2000 Roses

"This beautiful black tie affair, with lots of glitz and glamour is always an event of the year that I am really looking forward to again. You can party, reserve a room and spend the night if you don’t feel like driving home. The food is great, the entertainment is awesome, and they have wonderful door prizes. Bands of Hope is always supporting a wonderful organization that is helping mothers and children. The donation is well worth the evening of entertainment to me and others that I invite. I’m so excited about attending this event again this year."

Daisy Ollie, Dallas

"Thank You! On behalf of the Gifts For Moms Project. We would like to thank Bands of Hope for making this year's gift drive a success. Because of you and your selflessness, over 200 mothers had a wonderful and blessed holiday season. We could not have wished or dreamed for a better Christmas.."

Stephanie Pierre, Gifts For Moms

"I would like to invite everyone to the Band of Hope Charity Event. I have gone the last 2 years and it is a fantastic event with a purpose. The food is good, the band is great and it gives you an opportunity to give back. Don't miss out, I look forward to this years event and I hope to see many new faces this year."

Connie Williams, Dallas